

Otoplasty is surgery to reposition the prominent ears to a more normal position, closer to the head, or to reduce the size of the large ears.

It is an intervention frequently requested by children and adolescents.

The incision is made behind the ear, thus leaving an almost invisible scar. From this incision the cartilage of the ear is remodeled, making it fold in the appropriate places and removing an ellipse of skin, which is sutured.

Quiron Málaga Hospital

All surgeries of Doctor Cesar Padilla

Dr Cesar Padilla

Dr. Cesar Padilla is one of the pioneering surgeons in breast augmentation surgery interventions combined with prostheses and fat lipotransference using the Body-Jet (WAL) and EVL technique, which is the expansion of tissue with intraoperative vibration, which allows results to be achieved. more natural.

Before and After

The best cases of surgeries performed by Doctor Cesar Padilla so you can see real examples of before and after surgeries

Member of the SECPRE Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Quiron Malaga Hospital​

Contact us

+34 690 665 711

10 am – 19 pm

Quiron Malaga Hospital, Office 10

Imperio Argentina Avenue 1

Email info@cesarpadilla.es

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